27th to 29th June 2024, Vienna, Austria.
We are glad to invite you to the 11th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress (EJCVC) taking place from June 27-29th in the beautiful city of Vienna!
The EJCVC represents a unique opportunity to gather the latest updates on neurovascular surgery and intervention for cerebrovascular diseases.
We are looking forward to meet you in Vienna to discuss latest evidence and data about Aneurysms, AVMs, dAVFs, ICH and Stroke.
You can find further information, the scientific program and details under the following link: www.ejcvc2024.com
The Registration is still open: https://www.conventiongroup.at/events-en/european-japanese-cerebrovascular-congress/registration
Date: 27th to 29th June 2024
Museum of Medical History
Medical University of Vienna
Waehringer Strasse 25
1090 Vienna, Austria
Specialist normal price: 590,-
Specialist reduced price (for EANS-members): 530,-
Resident normal price: 450,-
Resident reduced price (for EANS-members): 405,-
Networking Dinner: 60,-
Satellite Pre-congress Event (June 26th): 150,-
Caroline Mehler
convention.group GmbH
Donauwörther Straße 12
2380 Perchtoldsdorf
T: +43 1 869 21 23-32
F: +43 1 869 21 23-18
E-Mail: caroline.mehler@conventiongroup.at
For more information and detailed program visit the website.
Published in GI-Mail 06/2024 (English edition).
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